I am delighted to be joining the distinguished academic community at The College of New Jersey. In the 2014 Fall Term I am teaching:
- ELC 383 – Electronics II
- ELC 411 – Embedded Systems
and in the 2015 Spring Term I am teaching:
- ENG 312 – Digital Circuits and Microprocessors
- ELC 470 – Digital Video Processing and Compression
I am the director of the newly established TCNJ Intelligent Media Processing Laboratory (IMPL), which will involve research in the following areas:
- Computer Vision
- Processing of stereo and multi-view video
- Digital video picture quality enhancement
- Audio/video synchronization
- Recovery of missing information from image sequences
- Adaptive audio processing
- Video compression
Please feel free to contact me about the possibility of joining my research program — opportunities for summer support under the Mentored Undergraduate Student Experience (MUSE) program and/or course credit via the research track are available.