TCNJ Electric Vehicles Users’ Group (TEVUG)

Let’s start a new (unofficial) organization:

The TCNJ Electric Vehicles Users’ Group (TEVUG)

qr tevugPurposes:

  • Exchange information regarding buying, owning, charging and maintaining an EV in the greater Mercer/Bucks region.
  • Cooperate to make best use of the great free EV charging stations at TCNJ
Communication Modalities:
  • Email list
  • Maybe Zoom, in-person or hybrid meetings, if there is an interest
Organization Structure:

None – purely an egalitarian group

TCF 2023:

TCF (aka Trenton Computer Festival) is the longest-running computing/tech festival in the world, and is managed by the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at TCNJ.  Every year there is a theme, and the theme for TCF 2023 is “Electric Vehicles”.  We would like to connect with EV owners at TCNJ to organize a panel discussion and car show!  Please get involved, and attend (March 18, 2023).  Website is at .

Contact me to get connected with TEVUG: